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Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

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Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Post by Bandit »

Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Nasir Hussain and his girlfriend Mahira Hussain tried to buy a trolley full of bottled water in Tesco at Rochdale.
However, they were refused because the store's policy is 10 bottles per person.
The girlfriend starts videoing in a private place which is not allowed either.
Instead of complying with the shops policy and walking away, the couple start a scene.
The police came and these two idiots have a go at the police as well.
This is when people think they have too many rights.

Firstly, the shop doesn't have to sell anything to anyone if they don't want.
Secondly, if the shopkeeper tells you to get out of their property you should just leave.
Thirdly, you can't record or even take a picture in private premises.
The list goes on but if you are going to be an idiot, then you are basically looking for trouble.

Nasir Hussain and his girlfriend Mahira Hussain acted like they owned the place and tried to make up their own rules and laws.
Honestly, these people need to be placed into a secure unit until they can be rehabilitated back into society again.
Can you imagine having young children watching people like this acting the way they did?
The thing is they started to look for the sympathy vote and didn't get it.
Thinking that by making a scene and crying like babies people would be on their side.
As it was, they even resisted arrest and assaulted the police and now have been charged.
So much for the sympathy vote :rolling:

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Re: Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Post by Copie »

Over a few bottles of water :rolling:
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Re: Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Post by Jamie »

What a dick :lol:
Why did he have to argue with the shop staff for Christ's sake just stick with the rules of the shop.
Jesus Christ, the man is an idiot.
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Re: Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Post by Sam »

What an idiot, Jesus just leave the shop when you are told.
He is trying to fight the world there!
And more to the point...................
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Re: Someone thinking they have too many rights lol

Post by Graham »

The shop is right.
What a sad man :lol:
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